Diagnostic Tests

1 PCR Test Swab gives you

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99% Accurate PCR

GENETWORx PCR tests offer 99% accurate results.

Once GENETWORx receives a sample, clearly defined results are provided within 72 hours of receipt.

Patient-Specific Diagnostics

By partnering with GENETWORx, healthcare professionals can get quick, accurate results with one simple swab:

Personalized diagnostics, gives you the information you need to improve patient outcomes.

GENETWORx is your
partner for testing

GENETWORx’s dedicated support team provides fast & accurate diagnostic results for efficient & effective gynecological treatment.

The PCR Testing Advantage


GENETWORx can detect more than 20 different types of pathogens and deliver 99% accurate results within 72 hours of lab sample receipt.


GENETWORx molecular pathogen testing is more accurate than standard culture testing.  Our molecular pathogen testing detects anaerobic organisms growing deep inside that standard cultures often miss. [1]


Using a molecular approach, amplification of testing sample genetic material is faster than standard culture growth and delivers increased sensitivity and a quicker result. [2]


Our rapid turnaround time is within 72 hours from laboratory receipt.


Our simple to read report gives clinicians quick, actionable intelligence to make better treatment decisions.


Ability to identify pathogens when the patient is on empiric antibiotic treatment.

With molecular testing, not only can you receive a clear picture of the type and percent of pathogens causing the infection.  With the power of molecular testing, you can select the optimal medication therapy for your patient, improve treatment outcomes and reduce healthcare spend.


Dedicated Service

A dedicated team who understands your unique needs
You’ll have access to your dedicated account manager who can ensure you have what you need, when you need it. You’ll also be supported by our trained pharmacist (Pharm.D.) specialists who are available for consultation to discuss results and help determine the most appropriate drug and dose for your patients. You can be confident that GENETWORx is Your Partner in Personalized Medicine™.

Fast Results

By partnering with GENETWORx, healthcare professionals can get quick, accurate results with one simple swab.

How? Once GENETWORx receives a sample, 99% accurate results with pathogens clearly identified and defined are provided within 72 hours of receipt.

Smart Science

Lab expertise when you need it to help you interpret test results & more.

GENETWORx brings molecular diagnostic advancements to clinical practice for higher detection sensitivity than conventional methods.

Unsurpassed Support

GENETWORx provides fast turnaround times with advanced multiplexed analysis for accurate results.

We’ll pick up your samples, deliver testing supplies and even help coordinate collection when necessary.

Diagnose and treat gynecological infections quickly & efficiently.

By partnering with GENETWORx, healthcare professionals can get quick, accurate results with one simple swab.

Our Gynecologic Panel includes:

Genital pathogens detected include:

Put the Personal Health Panel to work for you.
Contact us today to order supplies and put the power of personalized medicine in your hands.


[1] Molecular Detection and Identification of Anaerobic Bacteria – Science Direct [2]