Diagnostic Tests
COVID-19 Testing for Organizations
- Diagnostic PCR Nasal Tests
- Self-Collection Nasal Swab Kits
- COVID, Flu A/B & RSV Tests
- COVID Diagnostic Saliva Tests
- Total Antibody Tests
- Variant Follow Up PCR Tests
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COVID-19 PCR, Antibody & Follow Up Variant Testing
With the ever-changing nature of COVID-19 infection rates, testing remains the only way to identify, manage and track the virus. The GENETWORx laboratory system can conduct hundreds of thousands of tests every day. GENETWORx offers the nasopharyngeal COVID-19 PCR tests to support sequential testing.
In addition, GENETWORx can offer antibody tests, follow up variant testing. Our antibody tests can help patients understand if they have developed an immune response to the COVID-19 virus, and our follow up variant testing can be used to reprocess positive COVID-19 PCR samples to identify the variant strain present.
GENETWORx can help you determine which tests are best suited to meet your needs.

The GENETWORx COVID-19 Diagnostic Nasopharyngeal Test
Due to its 99% specificity and sensitivity, the GENETWORx test is 99% accurate and delivers a significantly reduced risk of false negatives.
The FDA has acknowledged that the GENETWORx nasopharyngeal test meets the conditions outlined in the FDA Guidelines for Diagnostic Tests for Coronavirus Disease-2019 during the Public Health Emergency for the allowable modifications to the CDC EUA, on March 26, 2020.
A healthcare provider or practice must administer GENETWORx’s nasopharyngeal test. Clients of GENETWORX receive their testing kits within 24 hours. The diagnostic test kit will include the nasopharyngeal swab and the universal transport media in a vial to ensure RNA and DNA survival.
The GENETWORx Covid-19 Nasal Swab Test Collection Kit
The GENETWORx Covid-19 Nasal Swab Test Collection Kit enables your employees, students, residents and patients to collect a sample at home, send it to the lab, and receive convenient, accurate, and timely COVID-19 diagnostic test results. This simple and convenient test can be ordered by colleges and universities for their students, healthcare providers for their patients and residents, employers for their employees, and organizations for their population.
This 99% accurate PCR COVID-19 test is a gentle nasal swab that can be self-collected by following step by step directions provided both in their test kit and an online video. Shipping of the kit both from and back to the lab is included in the cost, and results are provided in less than 48 hours of lab receipt.

The GENETWORx COVID-19 Diagnostic Saliva Test
GENETWORx’s COVID-19 test options include saliva samples, with capability of performing these assays on two unique platforms. Tests are being offered in accordance with the FDA Policy for Coronavirus Disease-2019 Tests During the Public Health Emergency (Revised November 15, 2021), Section IV, Part C. Saliva tests yield an accuracy greater than 98%. This test should be administered by Medically Trained Personnel (MTP). In order to avoid a testing rejection, those taking the test should not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum 30 minutes before giving the saliva sample.
The GENETWORX saliva test includes a saliva-collecting funnel with stabilizing liquid. The person taking the test will spit into the funnel until the amount of liquid saliva (not bubbles) reaches the fill-to line. Once the amount has been reached, the MTP will hold the tube upright and close the funnel lid until there’s a loud click. The click is the liquid in the lid being released into the tube and mixed into the saliva. Next, the MTP will hold the tube upright and unscrew the funnel from the tube, using the small cap to close the tube tightly. After shaking the capped tube for 5 seconds, the specimen is put into the biohazard bag, then into a shipping box and the FedEx return pack.
COVID-19 Total Antibody (IgM & IgG) Tests
The GENETWORx COVID-19 Total Antibody (IgM & IgG) assay is a blood test that is performed to determine if someone has had an immune response to COVID-19.
The COVID-19 Antibody Test has a 99.8% specificity and 100% sensitivity and only checks to see if the immune system has responded to the infection.
If there are antibodies present in the blood, this is a sign that the individual has likely already had COVID-19. The COVID-19 Antibody Test is not for diagnosing an active COVID-19 infection; it is only for testing whether the immune system, the body’s defense against illness, has responded to the infection.

The GENETWORx Variant Follow Up PCR Test
The GENETWORx “reflex” follow up PCR variant test enables you to know which variant is present. When a COVID-19 PCR test is positive, at your request, GENETWORx can re-run the positive samples to detect which of the 4 variants of concern is present.
With next gen DNA sequencing, GENETWORx offers a PCR variant detection that delivers results within 24-48 hours, identifying the variant quickly. Tests are being offered in accordance with the FDA Policy for Coronavirus Disease-2019 Tests During the Public Health Emergency (Revised November 15, 2021), Section IV, Part C. For more information on our reflex variant test options, please reach out to one of our Sales Reps.
* Disclosure required by Section 3202(b) of the CARES Act:
– Cash price of single PCR diagnostic test without collection or other services – $100.
(excludes the GENETWORx COVID-19 Nasal Swab Test Kit for self-collection test)
– Cash price of GENETWORx COVID-19 Nasal Swab Test Kit (self-collection PCR diagnostic test) – $129.
– Cash price of a single serology test without collection or other services – $85.